Actor Khushi Kapoor, who will be making her acting debut with The Archies, is celebrating her 23rd birthday on Sunday. Everyone, from her half siblings Arjun Kapoor and Anshula Kapoor to cousin Shanaya Kapoor, took to Instagram to wish her in the sweetest way possible. Arjun said that he stills loves her despite her being their father Boney Kapoor’s favourite child. Also read: Janhvi Kapoor’s advice to sister Khushi Kapoor: ‘Don’t date an actor because…’
Arjun’s post for Khushi
Arjun shared a picture with Khushi along with a note on Instagram. He wrote, “Happy birthday @khushi05k. I hope & pray this year it allows you to build towards the rest of your life with all the effort & hard work you have put into ur first film paying dividends… I don’t say it enough to perhaps any of my sisters but love you even if you are dad s favourite child & he’s always gonna have an extra bias towards you.”
Janhvi Kapoor liked Arjun’s post along with Arjun’s The Ladykiller co-star Bhumi Pednekar.
Shanaya’s post for Khushi
Shanaya Kapoor shared an unseen video from Khushi Kapoor’s birthday party, in which she is seen cutting a birthday cake while being in her mom Sridevi’s arms. The video also showed her father Boney Kapoor and sister Janhvi Kapoor in the frame. “Happy birthday to my sister. I love you little,” Shanaya Kapoor wrote along with the video on her Instagram Stories.
Anshula wishes Khushi on her birthday
Meanwhile, Anshula Kapoor shared a video from Khushi’s cake-cutting ceremony. She is seen in a white short dress, cutting the cake with Anshula and Boney Kapoor standing behind her and singing.
Also sharing a note for Khushi, Anshula wrote, “My only wish for you this year is that may you always be as joyful, & carefree; and everything that you hold close to your heart always be yours! This is your year to shine and I cannot wait for the world to see all your magic, and then fall in love with you just like us!”
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