Congress MP Nakul Nath, who is Madhya Pradesh chief minister Kamal Nath’s son, was allegedly stopped from entering a polling booth in Madhya Pradesh’s Chhindwara by BJP workers on Friday morning. In a video posted by news agency ANI, some workers – allegedly belonging to the saffron party – can be seen stopping Nath from entering the booth, while another worker, allegedly from the Congress can be defending saying “it is not right”.
The voting for the 230-member Madhya Pradesh legislative assembly elections is currently underway.
Meanwhile, violence was reported at polling booths 147 and 148 of the Dimani assembly constituency in Mirghan earlier in the day where people resorted to stone pelting. One person also sustained injuries in the violence, reported ANI. According to the police, the situation is now under control and increased security has been deployed.
The electoral narrative in Madhya Pradesh has been dominated by the Congress and BJP as both parties pulled off high-powered campaigns in the state. While BJP’s campaign was massively spearheaded by PM Modi, Amit Shah, Rajnath Singh, and Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Congress placed its chief Mallikarjun Kharge, Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi, and Kamal Nath at the front.
Latest voter turnout in MP
According to the Election Commission, the state has seen a voter turnout of 27.86 percent till 11 am on Friday. Addressing a press conference in Indore, Madhya Pradesh’s chief electoral officer Anupam Rajan said that the polling is underway in a “peaceful manner”.
Rajan added that non-functional EVMs at a few polling booths are being replaced. “We received some complaints (technical) from some polling booths…Polling has not been reported to have stopped anywhere across the state. Polling is underway at all polling booths,” he said.
(With inputs from agencies)
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