Filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari, who last directed Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor’s Bawaal, is reportedly ready to take Ramayana on floors around February 2024. While Ranbir Kapoor plays Lord Ram, Sai Pallavi will be seen as Sita in Ramayana, which will also feature Kannada actor Yash of KGF fame as Ravana, as per a Pinkvilla report. The portal reported that all three principal leads have done their respective look tests for Ramayana, which is being created for the big screen by Nitesh Tiwari and Ravi Udyawar. Also read: Nitesh Tiwari is confident that his film on Ramayana won’t offend anyone
Yash to shoot for his portions from July
“Ranbir and Sai Pallavi will start shooting for the film around the month of February 2024. The first part of the trilogy will focus more on Lord Ram and Sita, leading towards the conflict of Sita Haran. The duo will be shooting for the film from February till August 2024, before calling it a wrap for Ramayana: Part One. Yash has a rather extended appearance in Ramayana: Part One, however, his character will dominate the proceedings in the second part, which is set in Sri Lanka. He has allotted 15 days to shoot for Ramayana: Part One,” a source close to the development was quoted as saying by Pinkvilla.
Ramayana’s VFX
The portal also reported that the entire world of Ramayana has already been created with the use of VFX. “Nitesh Tiwari and team have been working actively on creating the world of Ramayana and the blueprint is finally all ready. The VFX plates are prepared by the Oscar Winning Company, DNEG and it’s a world that would blow away the minds of audiences. However, the strength of Ramayana won’t be the visual but the simplistic storytelling and compelling inter-character emotions,” the source told the portal.
Alia Bhatt not a part of Ramayana
In June, it was reported that Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana was all set to feature Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Yash in key roles. However, as per recent reports, Alia has backed out of the project. As fans waited for the big announcement and further developments on the project, in August, a Pinkvilla report had said that Alia had opted out of the film; she was approached to play the role of Sita alongside Ranbir as Lord Ram.
A source close to the development had told the portal at the time, “It’s understandable that a magnum opus like Ramayana requires time and intense pre-production work, as they are going into the smallest details of everything to get it right on screen. Which is why things are progressing at a slower pace. Also, as far as the casting is concerned, Ranbir Kapoor is still committed to playing Lord Ram, while Alia Bhatt, who was approached for the project, is no longer part of it. The actress was in talks for the role of Goddess Sita, but the collaboration didn’t work out because of date issues.”
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