The trailer of Vishal Bharadwaj’s Khufiya is out! On Monday, Netflix shared the official trailer of the film, which is based on a book called Escape to Nowhere, written by former Chief of the Counter Espionage Unit of R&AW, Amar Bhushan. Starring Tabu, Ali Fazal, Wamiqa Gabbi, Ashish Vidyarthi, and Azmeri Haque Badhon- this one promises to be a thrilling ride. (Also read: Khufiya: Vishal Bhardwaj, Tabu’s thriller to release on Netflix India on October 5. Watch promo)
About the trailer
The trailer opens in 2004 at the R&AW headquarters in Delhi, where a possible leak of information is detected. “We have a mole in the agency,” says an insider. As Tabu, who plays RAW agent Krishna Menon, steps in to investigate who could be the mole, their suspicion zeroes on Dev, who is played by Ali Fazal. The agents then begin to follow and monitor each and every moment of his life, which also includes his wife (played by Wamiqa Gabbi). As the crisis deepens, the trailer gives a tease that more secrets are in store.
Sharing the trailer on X, Netflix India wrote in the caption: “Yahan hathiyaar ke roop hain alag, aur jung hai khufiya. In a world of spies, the traitor must be brought to light. #Khufiya, streaming from Oct 5, only on Netflix!” Reacting to the trailer, a fan commented: “Tabu & Vishal Bhardwaj are an unmatched combo!!!” Another said, “This looks amazing!” A comment also read, “If Vishal Bhardwaj has made it, it will always be good.”
More details
The Netflix film reunites Tabu with the director, following their collaboration after Maqbool (2003) and Haider (2014). During the Netflix’s Films Day event, Vishal had revealed that he flipped the gender of the protagonist, originally a male character in Bhushan’s 2012 book, because he didn’t find it “exciting” enough. “The film is based on Amar Bhushan espionage novel ‘Escape to Nowhere’, the character was male but it was not that exciting for me. When I thought of Tabu, the excitement was more and I changed the gender of the character. I found a reason to work with Tabu and I got that,” he said.
Khufiya will be streaming on Netflix from October 5.
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